Sturt Reserve redevelopment to start within six weeks
The first stage of a multi-million-dollar overhaul of Murray Bridge's riverfront is about t begin.
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A redevelopment of Murray Bridge's riverfront will begin in the next six weeks, after years – decades – of planning.
The first stage of work, pictured, will include:
a wider, smoother path along the riverbank, between the tennis courts and bunyip
a pontoon in front of the new rowing centre
the removal of the sagging concrete wharf where the Proud Mary previously docked
a new toilet block, and
bank stabilisation, landscaping and furniture
Those works, and the rowing centre, are all expected to be finished in November or December.
New shaded areas, picnic tables and other features, pictured in brown, will be added sometime after that.
But a plan to build a new two- to three-lane boat ramp at the southern end of the reserve, on Jaensch Road, has been delayed.
Engineers warned that the ground was unstable in that area, and that any ramp built there would sink into the sediment, as Murray Bridge News reported on July 2.
The council will investigate other sites within Sturt Reserve and, if that fails, elsewhere.
Now is ‘time to get on with it’, councillors say
Councillors had promised in 2018 that the boat ramp would be built before the existing one near the tennis courts was removed, Cr Airlie Keen reminded her colleagues at a meeting on Monday night.
She also expressed a hope that the community and artists would be able to collaborate on designing future works, as they had done during the recent redevelopment of the nearby skate park.
But she and the other councillors generally expressed satisfaction that progress was being made on the riverfront at last.
Cr Andrew Baltensperger said it was now “time to get on with it”.
The riverfront redevelopment will eventually include another $20 million worth of work over the next eight years.
The council’s next priority will be the war memorial now being built beneath Wharf Hill, which will eventually form part of a history and tourism precinct at that end of Sturt Reserve.
In time, the council’s master plan for Sturt Reserve calls for a stage and dog park near the existing playground; a new visitor information centre and cafe on the wharf; and, eventually, accommodation of some kind on the back half of the reserve.
More information:
Image: Rural City of Murray Bridge.
Council workers x2 did a great job erecting the fence. Problem is cars are parking on the river reserve. Despite signage (be it old) they are ignoring it to go fishing. Parking on the roadside is close by and within walking distance. Same blue ute was there two days in a row. Need to start issuing fines. Also circle work on grass last weekend.
Also it is good to see more people walking since COVIDSafe. And also exercising their dogs. Problem is the ignorant and selfish dog owners that do not pick up dog 💩. Sturt Reserve is not a toilet for dogs! It is often the same individuals and their dogs. Maybe photographs posted on social media to shame and fine them!
The other problem is litter that blows into the river. Cigarette butts are the most profuse litter followed by dog poo and then take away food wrappers (commonly maccas and hungry jacks), coffee cups, straws and serviettes/tissues, drug paraphernalia and then prophylactics. I thought more bins and signage would be great but some individuals drop their rubbish despite a bin being nearby.
If we could remove hoon behaviour, selfish ignorant dog owners and deliberate littering; the river park would be a recreational haven for all to enjoy (locals and visitors). Be great if council could place another bi and dog bags at the walkway entrance at intersection of Cooks St and Jaensch Rd, and also corner of Jaensch Rd and Charles Sturt Rd aa these are common entry points for dogs/owners. Thanks.
Now that RCMB have fenced off the area that was to be the boat ramp at the end of Jaensch Rd, why couldn't that be the dog park area by filling in the fence to make it dog proof. Then there would be a river to swim in and grass for dogs to run on - could be a really novel type of dog park. At the moment the cars are either still doing circle work down there, or starting to tear up the grass near by, we need to make some level of positive recreational activity space at the end of Jaensch Rd to discourage poor behaviour.